Tuesday, November 30, 2010

MC2 Post 857 The Name After All These Years Is Bond James Bond

A Pistol held by Sir Sean Connery on One of 
the Posters Used to Promote

From Russia With Love has sold for 
$415,875 (£277,250) at auction,

setting a World Record for a James Bond gun.

It never appeared in the movie.

Such is the Cache of Bond memorabilia.

The Next Bond marks the Release of Bond 23, the third movie with the sixth actor to play James Bond: Daniel Craig.  The Other two Craig/Bond movies are: Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace.

The 6 actors to play Bond are:

Sean Connery
George Lazenby
Roger Moore
Timothy Dalton
Pierce Brosnan
Daniel Craig
With 3 unofficial Bonds:
in Casino Royale (1967)
    Barry Nelson
    David Niven as Sir James Bond 007
    Woody Allen as Jimmy Bond

Latest on the Bond 23 Movie:

According to Bloomberg, in submitting the bankruptcy claim, MGM charted its plans for the coming years, and chief among them was assigning a release date to the long-awaited follow-up to 2008's "Quantum of Solace." The next 007 film -- for now let's call it "James Bond 23" -- is slated to hit theaters in November 2012.


Some Additional James Bond/007 Trivia:



Monday, November 29, 2010

Video Korut Serang Korsel

Video Korut Serang Korsel. Negara yang saling bersebelahan kembali memanas, korut menembakkan puluhan peluru artileri ke sebuah pulau di perbatasan Korsel dan akibatnya, seorang anggota marinir Korsel dikabarkan tewas dan 13 lainnya cedera. Nampak dalam Video Korut Serang Korsel membombardir beberapa puluhan peluru dan puluhan rumah di pulau tersebut terbakar.

Video Korut Serang KorselSementara Korea Selatan akan melakukan balasan yang tegas terhadap setiap provokasi lanjutan dari Korea Utara setelah negara komunis itu menembakkan puluhan peluru artileri ke sebuah pulau di Korea Selatan.

Berikut ini video Korut Serang Korsel dalam video youtube :

MC2 Post 856 Steve Martin calls Leo, the Tech Guy


Steve Martin calls Leo, the Tech Guy for some help, yesterday. He needed some help with Twitter and the Calendar settings for smartphones iPhone and Android which get messed up with his traveling and appointments made in the West Coast. Good listen.

TWiT Live Specials 51:
Steve Martin
Host Leo Laporte

Link: http://www.twit.tv/specials51


Spiderman the Musical opened yesterday in New York and Spidey got hung up on the wiring several times during the show went overtime with numerous delays. 
Some of the music is by U2's Bono.


According to the NYT's, Wikileaks has unleashed another spate 

of Secret Diplomat Channels.


A wonderful Actor and Funny man Leslie Nielsen 84 dies.


It's 2:01 a.m. have You started your Cyber Monday Shopping?

Wingman on the iTouch.



Readers of this Arcane Blog are probably aware that I has been under the weather for the last 7 plus days.

Yes, that included Thanksgiving too.

Having a tough time sleeping at night I've switched my Audible books on my iTouch and tried a few (1) reads. 

There is nothing worse when your head hurts like crazy than to listen to a DETAILED Explanation about the Einstein/Bohr. Disagreement over Quantum Physics.

Trust me, it's a brain puddler.




Cinta Fitri Season 7

Cinta Fitri Season 7. Setelah beberapa kali episode sinetron Cinta Fitri selesai tanpa mengakhiri kisah Cinta Fitri dan Farrel. Kini Cinta Fitri Season 7 akan segera di lanjutkan ceritanya. Dalam sinetron cinta fitri ini telah berakhir dengan total tayang 893 episode dengan enam season, sejak Maret empat tahun silam.
Cinta Fitri  Season 7Menurut informasi dari pemain sinetron cinta fitri yakni Bemby Putuanda yang berperan sebagai Norman di sinetron Cinta Fitri mengatakan, seluruh pemain juga bangga karena sinetron tersebut mampu merebut hati penonton dan sinetron cinta fitri akan berlanjut ke season ke tujuh dan akan di persembahkan untuk almarhumah Ida yang berperan sebagai omah.

Hingga kini sinetron Cinta Fitri masih menjadi sinetron kebanggaan SCTV karena alur ceritanya yang padat, menarik, dan tidak terduga apa kelanjutannya dan juga menjadi kunci kesuksesan Cinta Fitri sehingga bisa bertahan selama empat tahun. Kenyataan Cinta Fitri banyak mendapat pujian dari khalayak dan dalam sekejap menduduki rating tertinggi, membuktikan sinetron ini memang masih digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Bagi penggemar sinetron Cinta Fitri kita tunggu saja kelanjutan sinetron Cinta Fitri 7 yang akan segera tayang.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

MC2 Post 854 Card Trick Magic: Pick a Card Any Card

A Card Trick Leads To A New Mathematical 
Bound On Data Compression

A complicated card trick that deals with the colors of the cards and a binary De Bruijn cycle has helped a mathematician reach a new bound on data compression. Magic and math, more friendly than you'd think!

Just Lower the Bounds of Data Compression....

Say What?



Friday, November 26, 2010

MC2 Post 853 2 Days of The Condor, I mean Cold Turkey

2 Days of The Condor, I mean Cold Turkey

Or an unexpected Episode of the Walking Dead...


That's What a Cold/Flu for the Holidays 
Does For You.

Here it is 5:12 pm on Black Friday and I'm Just Getting Up.  Thank Goodness the Lakers Are playing tonight at Salt Lake at 6:00, or I wouldn't even Attempt It.  

Yeah I watched some of the football games yesterday from bed, but there was no real fun in that. 

I Did hear some news about the "Brink of War" Situation between North and South Korea, and the Debt Concerns in Europe (Ireland, Portugal, Spain dominos). 

Things sure Get Crappy when you're not feeling Good.

 And I did try continuing my two current audible books: Quantum by Manjit Kumar and The Master Switch by Tim Wu.  But the sections on Hitler coming to power in Germany in the first and Bell/AT&T legal shenanigans to kill FM in the second was too-too much of a downer for a head that was already hurting.

I'm watching Nightly Business News on PBS and It an seems the Early Start Black Friday was Brisk indeed.  And the Online shopping equivalant called Cyber Monday seems poised to continue it's winning ways, with most vendors including free shipping as a given. 



I hope to be back at my perkier self  


But we'll see.

Wingman Out.



Thursday, November 25, 2010

Foto Dewi Persik Topless

Foto Dewi Persik Topless. Artis pedangdut dan pemain film Dewei Persik di hebohkan dengan beredarnya Foto Dewi Persik Topless di berbagai dunia maya. Dengan beredarnya foto tersebut DP tidak menampik jika foto toplessnya beredar. Dalam Foto Dewi Persik Topless tersebut tampak kedua foto yang memperlihatkan dirinya tampil tanpa atasan dengan bagian dada ditutupi rambut panjangnya diambil oleh rekan dekatnya saat membuat video klip.
Foto Dewi Persik Topless
Sementara itu Dp saat di konfirmasi mengatakan bahwa "Saya memang belum lihat fotonya seperti apa. Tapi beberapa waktu lalu memang teman-teman dekat sempat foto aku dengan konsep art (seni), walaupun itu bukan di studio," dan dia memang suka difoto dengan konsep seperti itu. "Aku tidak melihat itu porno dan aku bisa menjamin bahwa aku enggak akan pernah foto sampai bugil. Buat aku, itu foto art dan lucu-lucuan aja," katanya.

Dengan beredarnya Foto Dewi Persik Topless, DP meminta maaf atas beredarnya foto tersebut dan akan mencari siapa yang menyebarkan foto tersebut.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

MC2 Post 852 Securities and Even More In-Securities

Understanding the Internet's Insecure Routing 


This Fits in Nicely with my current Read: Quantum Einstein, Bohr, and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality by Manjit Kumar.  
Most of the stuff physicists try to tell us is pretty hard to grasp in real terms.  Which really came to a head in the 1920's, which is where I'm at in my Read.  But "What the Hey", let's throw in another left-handed monkey wrench into the "Particle/Wave Duality" pond 
and really stir things up. 

A pretty Good Site for that Discussion is at: 


Lets call this Internet Stuff stretching exercises,
and a warm up. 

Read The http://arstechnica.com Article Linked below 
and the Nice diagram above will make lots of sense.



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

MC2 Post 851 Is The Event Becoming A Bit Too Dippy?

You were supposed to Ask,
"What Is Going On?"
But after too many episodes
of wannabee "Lost" magic
the audience stops caring. 

It Is If You Follow The Ratings of NBC's 
Questionable Series

Maybe, Instead of Flipping the E

They Should Have Expanded the

V and made it RED

It seems to be going down the same

Road as that "Other" One Season Epic.

Link:  http://thetvevent.com/2010/11/ratings-108/

Monday, November 22, 2010

MC2 Post 850 Intel says 1,000-Core Processors Possible

.An experimental Intel chip shows the feasibility of building processors 
with 1,000 cores, an Intel researcher has asserted.

The architecture for the Intel 48-core Single Chip Cloud Computer (SCC) processor is "arbitrarily scalable," said Intel researcher Timothy Mattson, during a talk at the Supercomputer 2010 conference being held this week in New Orleans.

Sweet !

TinyURL:  http://tinyurl.com/2ahsj98



Saturday, November 20, 2010

MC2 Post 848 Clever Use of the Cloud by MakeUseOf_dot_com

How To Create Your Own Expandable Memory 
For Your 
iPhone, iPad, Or iPod Touch




Friday, November 19, 2010

MC2 Post 847 Target The Big Deals with Target 4-day pre-Black Friday Sale

Why Wait For the Black Friday Crowds and Hoopla,

Some Stores Start 


For Example:
Target (starts Sunday)

TinyURL:  http://tinyurl.com/35ns37o


Kmart to Host Thanksgiving Day Sale

Slashes Prices on Numerous Electronics

Link:  http://www.zdnet.com/blog/gadgetreviews/kmart-to-host-thanksgiving-day-sale-slashes-prices-on-numerous-electronics/20152

TinyURL: http://tinyurl.com/36wullc 


US cellular has come out with some amazing deals for handsets with an all week discount offering from Monday, November 22 to Black Friday, November 26. It seems that the company has planned this move for not getting outdone by its bigger competitors.

Link: http://www.devicemag.com/2010/11/19/us-cellular-black-friday-deals-offer-smartphones-at-amazing-prices/

TinyURL:   http://tinyurl.com/27jx4aj




Thursday, November 18, 2010

MC2 Post 846 Mobilize Says Windows Phone 7's SD card problem is Not Microsoft's fault

Device Makers are to Blame 
for Adding Removable 
 Storage to an OS 
That Was Not Designed 
to Support It

Which Means?

When IS a Storage Device Not a Storage Device?

When The Right Hand Doesn't Know 

What The Left Hand Is Doing.




Wednesday, November 17, 2010

MC2 Post 845 Sweet Way to Make Graphene

– Just Add Table Sugar


There’s no doubt that the discovery of graphene is one sweet breakthrough. The remarkable material offers everything from faster, cooler electronics and cheaper lithium-ion batteries to faster DNA sequencing and single-atom transistors.

Researchers at Rice University have made graphene even sweeter by developing a way to make pristine sheets of the one-atom-thick form of carbon from plain table sugar and other carbon-based substances.

  In another plus, the one-step process takes place at temperatures low enough to make the wonder material easy to manufacture.

Link:  http://www.gizmag.com/making-graphene-from-table-sugar/16953/



"Each day, the growth of graphene on silicon is approaching industrial-level readiness, and this work takes it an important step further," Tour said.

The Rice University team’s research is detailed in a paper in the online version of the journal Nature.
@ http://www.nature.com/nature/index.html
The Rice University Link http://www.rice.edu/

Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks Wednesday

Wake up early and look up tomorrow: The annual Leonid meteor shower is expected to peak in the hours just before dawn Wednesday and Thursday.

The Leonids come every year in November, when the Earth passes through a cloud of debris trailing the comet Tempel-Tuttle. When the dust Tempel-Tuttle leaves behind smacks into Earth’s atmosphere, the specks vaporize and blaze across the sky. It’s hard to predict how intense each shower will be, but astronomers expect this year’s Leonids to produce at least 20 meteors an hour. The full moon will set several hours before dawn, so its glare won’t interfere with the show.

The Leonids get their name because they appear to fly from the constellation Leo, a backwards-question-mark–shaped collection of stars in the eastern sky.


Leonid Fluxtimator

Calculate what is the best location for viewing the upcoming meteor shower, what night do I need to go out, and how active is the shower expected to be.

Calculate the meteor shower activity at your site.

The handy Fluxtimator Linked below is a Java applet that allows you to calculate the expected shower rate for a given date and a given location.  It also allows you to see the difference between staying downtown or moving out into 
the country side to a dark and clear location. 
All rates were calculated by taking into account the Moon light, but assume a transparent cloud-less sky and unobstructed field of view.

The Fluxtimator is infrequently updated with information regarding newly characterised showers and meteor outbursts. Keep tuned!


