Sunday, July 31, 2011

MC2 Post 1095 Out of the Dusty Book Bins a New Tablet Rises

A Fresh Android Tablet Appears

Disguised As an eBook Reader

MIUI Android Port Now Available for 

The Nook Color





Daftar Nokia Dual Sim Terbaru

Banjir ponsel murah dengan dual sim card, rupanya telah diantisipasi Nokia. Tak mau kalah dengan vendor lain, Nokia merilis sejumlah ponsel dual sim card murah. Berikut ini daftar Nokia dual sim.

1. Nokia X1-01

Nokia X1-01 memiliki layar 1,8 inci dengan resolusi 128 X 160 dan masih menggunakan sistem operasi (OS) : S30. Saat pembelian Nokia x1 akan dibundling dengan memori 2 GB dan masih bisa di upgrade hingga 16 GB. Ponsel tersebut dijual dengn harga Rp 400.000 saja.

2. Nokia C2-01

Nokia C2-00 adalah salah satu varian ponsel connected. Oleh karenanya ia juga dibekali dengan fitur jejaring sosial, chatting, juga imel. Nokia C2-00 dibekali degan easy swap, suatu sistem dual simcard yang dikembangkan Nokia untuk memudahkan penggunanya mengganti simcard. Satu sim card ada di balik baterai, satu lagi berada di luar (hot swap). Harga Nokia C2-00 dijual sekitar Rp.600.000 an.

Wasim Akram Pakistan top cricketer

wasim akram
wasim akram
wasim akram
wasim akram
wasim akram

Samsung Galaxy S II Hadir dengan Versi Putih

Samsung dikabarkan tengah menyiapkan ponsel Samsung Galaxy S II versi warna putih yang sudah mulai dibuka pre-ordernya di Inggris dan dijual berkisar antara £410 hingga £500.

Expansys France telah merilis versi putih dari Galaxy S II yang rupanya terlihat putih secara keseluruhan, mulai dari bagian depan hingga bagian belakang. Warna putih ini diyakini sebagai warna yang paling laris selain dari warna hitam.

Rencananya ponsel Samsung Galaxy S II warna putih ini akan hadir pada tanggak 15 Agustus. Di Prancis sendiri Samsung Galaxy SII Putih ini baru akan tersedia di bulan September dan dibanderol €589,99. Sepertinya Samsung ingin kembali menyaingi Apple iPhone dalam pengadaan perangkat ponsel warna. Mudah-mudahan Galaxy S II warna putih segera masuk Indonesia. Lihat juga Tablet Android Honeycomb Terbaik Murah. (
Samsung Galaxy S II hadir dengan Versi Putih

Google Earth Epic Fail

Hurm, does this kind of person exist? Extra-terrestrial maybe? Anyone?

Sweet Revenga

#LOL, adik-beradik yang sangat mesra cuma abangnya gelojoh sikit terutama dalam isu membalas dendam. Don't try this with your beloved brother ok.

Even Though Steve Wozniak Has

Even though Steve Wozniak has
Even though Steve Wozniak has

Pengertian ROM

ROM yang memiliki kepanjangan nama Read Only Memory atau dalam arti bahasa Indonesia yakni MHB (Memori Hanya Baca ini sudah menjadi salah satu fitur yang penting dalam perangkat selain komputer. Bahkan ponsel yang sering kita gunakan juga sudah di suntikkan fitur ROM ini. Tapi, pasti Anda bertanya-tanya Apa itu ROM? Apa Fungsi ROM? Dan Bagaimana Bentuk dan Wujud ROM itu sendiri di lihat dari mata kita?
Semua akan saya jawab di artikel ini.

ROM: Adalah Salah satu Sebuah Memori yang ada pada suatu perangkat selain RAM. Fungsinya adalah untuk menyimpan data-data perangkat lunak (seperti File, Folder dan Aplikasi) yang berhubungan dengan perangkat keras.

ROM ini memiliki sifat permanen, artinya program / data yang disimpan di dalam ROM tidak mudah hilang atau berubah walau aliran listrik di matikan.
Menyimpan data pada ROM tidak dapat dilakukan dengan mudah, namun membaca data dari ROM dapat dilakukan dengan mudah.

Selain itu, ROM yang saat ini sering di tanamkan pada suatu perangkat yaitu ROM Modern didapati dalam bentuk IC, persis seperti medium penyimpanan/memori lainnya seperti RAM.

Contoh lain dari wujud ROM itu sendiri adalah CD-ROM. Perangkat mampu membaca data tapi tidak mampu menyimpan data dari CD-ROM.
ROM, Read Only Memory, MHB, Memori Hanya Baca
Adapun jenis-jenis ROM, di antaranya adalah:
* Mask ROM
* Flash Memory

Apa Anda Kurang Mengerti dengan penjelasan saya di artikel 'Pengertian ROM' ? Silakan bertanya di bawah ini

Pengertian ROM

ROM yang memiliki kepanjangan nama Read Only Memory atau dalam arti bahasa Indonesia yakni MHB (Memori Hanya Baca ini sudah menjadi salah satu fitur yang penting dalam perangkat selain komputer. Bahkan ponsel yang sering kita gunakan juga sudah di suntikkan fitur ROM ini. Tapi, pasti Anda bertanya-tanya Apa itu ROM? Apa Fungsi ROM? Dan Bagaimana Bentuk dan Wujud ROM itu sendiri di lihat dari mata kita?
Semua akan saya jawab di artikel ini.

ROM: Adalah Salah satu Sebuah Memori yang ada pada suatu perangkat selain RAM. Fungsinya adalah untuk menyimpan data-data perangkat lunak (seperti File, Folder dan Aplikasi) yang berhubungan dengan perangkat keras.

ROM ini memiliki sifat permanen, artinya program / data yang disimpan di dalam ROM tidak mudah hilang atau berubah walau aliran listrik di matikan.
Menyimpan data pada ROM tidak dapat dilakukan dengan mudah, namun membaca data dari ROM dapat dilakukan dengan mudah.

Selain itu, ROM yang saat ini sering di tanamkan pada suatu perangkat yaitu ROM Modern didapati dalam bentuk IC, persis seperti medium penyimpanan/memori lainnya seperti RAM.

Contoh lain dari wujud ROM itu sendiri adalah CD-ROM. Perangkat mampu membaca data tapi tidak mampu menyimpan data dari CD-ROM.
ROM, Read Only Memory, MHB, Memori Hanya Baca
Adapun jenis-jenis ROM, di antaranya adalah:
* Mask ROM
* Flash Memory

Apa Anda Kurang Mengerti dengan penjelasan saya di artikel 'Pengertian ROM' ? Silakan bertanya di bawah ini

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hina Rabbani Khar

Hina Rabbani Khar
Hina Rabbani Khar was born on January 19, 1977 in Multan. Proud of her ancestral village and all that life gave her, Hina is a buoyantly zestful lady. A graduate of ‘University of Massachusetts - USA’, she has all that it takes to be a leader. A businesswoman by profession, she graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons) from Lahore University of Management Sciences in 1999, and received her M.Sc. degree in Management from University of Massachusetts, U.S.A in 2001.

She has her roots in Village ‘Khar Gharbi’ located in Tehsil Kot Addu, and politically affiliated now with PPPP. She got elected as Member of National Assembly (MNA) in 2008 elections from NA-177, Muzaffargarh-II for the second time. Earlier, she won the elections in 2002 from the platform of PML-Q and was the Parliamentary Secretary for Economic Affairs and Statistics.

Hina Rabbani Khar

Hina Rabbani Khar

Hina Rabbani Khar

Hina Rabbani Khar

Hina Rabbani Khar

Hina Rabbani Khar

Hina Rabbani Khar

Hina Rabbani Khar

Hina Rabbani Khar

Hina Rabbani Khar
Hina Rabbani Khar
Hina Rabbani Khar remained Pakistan’s State Minister for Economic Affairs. The State Ministers report directly to the Prime Minister and hold specific portfolios. In Hina’s case, she was responsible for international (multilateral and bilateral) grants and loans. Her Ministry’s the official signatory for any project that is launched in Pakistan with foreign financial assistance. Her father, Ghulam Rabbani Khar, drove Hina into politics, setting her on a different path from the hotel management career she had been pursuing with great zeal. She is a co-owner of the Polo Lounge, an upscale, popular restaurant located on the Lahore Polo Grounds.

She feels that being in the Federal Government is as good as it can get. She has no issues, whatsoever, with being a woman. In fact, she feels that it is more positive than negative as one gets a lot more recognition and opportunities, and a lot of it has to do with how professional the person is. Her age did matter at times, because by any standard, she is quite very young to be in such a position. However her rich work experience and on-the-job training helped her and above all she took herself seriously; so did everyone else. She regards President Musharraf and Ex-Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz as leaders of great worth. To her both these leaders are highly educated and professional and they surely made a difference.

Elaborating on the policies of President Musharraf, she expressed her regard for President Musharraf as a visionary leader. She acknowledged the people of Pakistan as resilient and strong but detested few segments of our society: who adopt a western culture and regard it as something good. She feels that there has been a huge revolution in the last few years. She graduated in 1999 from LUMS and then left for USA. In these six years, she feels that there has been a paradigm shift. The society has moved towards modernization and westernization. Hina Khar feels that today it is hard to distinguish Pakistan's urban citizens from the Westerners. However, she opined that it can be done with sophistication, if at all it’s necessary. She cannot stand people who are not proud to be Pakistanis, whether they are here in Pakistan or settled abroad. She hates people changing their names to be ‘vilayati’ (foreign) and acquired accents and other things of the sort. She believes we have to understand and accept the culture we're living in and be proud of it to really stand out on our own. Emulating selective aspects of another culture doesn't really translate into true social progress.

She is a proud Pakistani and regards this very feeling as her most treasured asset. She really feels proud of whatever God has given her: her family, her village, her background, and everything. She feels that Pakistan has a great deal to offer. She loves trekking. She recollected her visit to Nanga Parbat and K2 (with the ‘LUMS Adventure Society’) with joyfulness; nostalgia gripped her and she appreciated the diversity of the landscape and the hospitality of people as enough to warm one’s heart towards this country. In Pakistan, people and places make you feel welcome. Freedom of expression is also a thing, unique to Pakistan. She said that even in the remotest areas, one can sit at a railway station to have tea with the porters and have a real conversation with them. Then, during the elections process, when she visited her constituents, she found them to be hospitable in spite of their limited means. A guy earning Rs.3000 a month will lay out a feast for his guests. It all speaks to the generous and warm nature of our culture, which is definitely something we should be proud of!

She considers herself extremely lucky. She is happy for the way her mind is constantly challenged in terms of working hours, the changes she can make, and the room for innovation is just tremendous. She has been able to make some changes that aren’t very popular, but in the long term they are great for Pakistan, e.g. in the telecommunications and banking sectors. However she feels that on the flip side, there are no guarantees in the political field, so she did not comment on how much control she has over making it a lifelong career. She regards working with Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and President Musharraf as one of the biggest factors in her sense of pride for Pakistan.

Hina Rabbani Khar has travelled to USA, UK, Germany, Netherlands, U.A.E, Saudi Arabia and Singapore. She is single and enjoys riding, reading and travelling. She is also a member of the Young Parliamentarians Forum (YPF) Pakistan.

She is articulate, brilliant, enterprising, and very far-sighted even at such a young age. Moreover, she is humble, approachable, professional, and knows her job very well. At the end of the day, if we have more people like her in our government, perhaps Pakistan’s positive image won’t need any marketing beyond simply introducing them to the world!

She is the first woman to present the budget speech in national assembly on 13 June, 2009.

Emily Browning

Review balik movie Sucker Punch (2011) dan tiba-tiba ramai yang obses dengan main actress dalam filem ini iaitu Emily Browning yang melakonkan watak Baby Doll. #LOL, jom layan minah yang sangat kawaii ni.

P/s: Much cuter in the movie. Imba make-up

Is There Life After Death

Are you dare to find it out?

Jessica Jane Clement totally annihilates the competition

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 04:00 PM PDT

Well guys, I know I’ve posted a couple of scanned images from Jessica Jane Clement‘s new pictorial from the August issue of Loaded a while ago but… I’ve had to post these photos once again because a) she’s freaking hot and b) in these pics there’s no text or watermaks so we get to gawk at every inch of her perfect body.

Now if this isn’t the best way to end another great week then… I really don’t know what is. This might be the most amazing display of female hotness that you’ve seen all week. Sigh.. I love this girl. She’s ridiculously perfect, oozes mondo sex appeal and, as you can easily see, she looks like a supernova of hotness when she’s showing off her bodacious curves in lingerie.

She’s incredible from heard to toe and these photos are just another example of her mind blowing hotness. Enjoy the photos guys, and also check out our related articles for even more Jessica Jane Clement hotness. Have a great weekend!

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© Brosome - Awesome stuff for Bros! | Permalink to Jessica Jane Clement totally annihilates the competition

Related posts:

  1. Jessica Jane Clement could actually be called perfect
  2. Jessica Jane Clement looking absolutely stunning as usual
  3. HOT69: Jessica Jane Clement

Candice Swanepoel & Erin Heatherton workin’ out

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 03:39 PM PDT

No, this is not the hottest workout video you’ve ever dreamed of, it’s just a brand spanking new photoshoot with two of the hottest Victoria’s Secret angels (and my favorites as well), Candice Swanepoel and Erin Heatherton, looking ridiculously cute and hot and all while modeling the newest collection of workout gear for chicks from VS.

Damn, I’ve seen many, many photos with both girls, in lingerie, in swimwear, in all kinds of skimpy outfits but.. I’ve never seen ‘em in tight workout clothes until this day and I have to say I like ‘em both even more. I’ve said it many times before, about both girls, that I think they’re as close to perfection as it gets but now I’m wondering… if you had to pick JUST one, who would it be?

I love Candice and I’ve always said she’s going to be my future wife but gosh.. just a single look at Erin and I’m all weak at the knees. I know you’d all like ‘em both but if you had to pick just one that would be one of the hardest decisions ever. Anyways, enjoy the beautiful photos my peeps and try not to droll all over your keyboard.

Candice Swanepoel workout 1 Candice Swanepoel workout 2 Candice Swanepoel workout 3 Candice Swanepoel workout 4 Candice Swanepoel workout 5 Candice Swanepoel workout 6 Candice Swanepoel workout 7 Candice Swanepoel workout 8 Candice Swanepoel workout 9 Candice Swanepoel workout 10 Candice Swanepoel workout 11 Candice Swanepoel workout 12 Candice Swanepoel workout 13 Erin Heatherton  workout 1 Erin Heatherton  workout 2 Erin Heatherton  workout 3 Erin Heatherton  workout 4 Erin Heatherton  workout 5 Erin Heatherton  workout 6 Erin Heatherton  workout 7 Erin Heatherton  workout 8

Subscribe to Brosome's Feed to get constant updates of our Awesome Posts!

© Brosome - Awesome stuff for Bros! | Permalink to Candice Swanepoel & Erin Heatherton workin’ out

Related posts:

  1. Erin Heatherton shows off her beyond sexy little body
  2. Candice Swanepoel Is Perfection Part… Umm, I Lost Count
  3. Erin Heatherton looks so freaking hot you’ll cry like a baby